081 431 2441


94 Kaalplaats, Lochvaal, Vanderbijlpark

Creating Jobs through sustainable farming

Proin scelerisque consectetur nisl. Praesent tempus vitae metus quis tempor. Fusce nulla turpis, fermentum posuere luctus in, laoreet vel libero. In ultricies tortor vitae aliquet ultrices. Donec sit amet eleifend lorem, ac tempus turpis. Vivamus hendrerit, felis vitae porttitor auctor, velit augue tempor urna, in bibendum mi purus ac erat. Vivamus eu magna eu nulla semper tincidunt sit amet quis urna.

Quisque a nulla feugiat, volutpat dolor ornare, sagittis dui. Curabitur vel tellus eu nulla feugiat vestibulum at id tortor. Suspendisse risus urna, aliquam ac finibus a, eleifend quis tellus. Maecenas at ultricies felis. Maecenas pharetra elementum erat, ac sollicitudin turpis euismod et. Aenean pellentesque arcu a tellus facilisis auctor. Suspendisse eu ipsum laoreet turpis semper fermentum nec at sapien. Nunc non libero cursus, egestas lacus vel, pellentesque lectus. Morbi eleifend turpis id elit aliquet, nec hendrerit ante aliquet.

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Our Mission

We employ local youth in our business.

We train students who have just completed their agricultural studies and provide mentorship for those interested in the business.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to uplift communities and ensures skills development are given to our future farmers.

Providing youth who would normally not have the opportunities to become farmers the platform to develop and go on to produce further employment.

Contact Us

Dreamland piggery & Dreamland Abattoir © 2025. All rights reserved. Designed by Life Computech